About Me

Just some BORING STORY about me!

Hein Thant Maung Maung is a Full-stack web developer, Flutter developer, Linux Lover and open source enthusiastic. He was born in 2002, Paung, Mon state, Myanmar. As his parents is a electronic shopkeeper and service-men, he was familiar with electrical components, devices.

At the age of 10, he was given to a computer class to learn computer basics with Windows 7. Since there, he found the world where he want to explore. After that 3-months class, he read, experiment various computer techniques and become good enough at using MS windows OS. But, there’s is one thing he want to know, learn, which is How Computer Softwares are developed?

Luckily, he got a book named “The Hacker's Underground Handbook” by David Melnichuk. From that book, he got a hints to know how hacking was. From that book, he got a motivation to start Learning HTML. Then, he found the path which he love, he has passion. He learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP continueously. From a large variety of software and programming languages, he chose PHP as starting point to both Web Development world and CLI programming world. As he found PHP is fun, he continued learning PHP to OOP, MVC, PSR-7 standards.

When he arrived University, he was introduced with Nodejs from seniors. He worked on UIT students' union project and COVID 19 API tracker with MongoDB nodejs. And also led some workshops about Linux. And continueously learning till now.

To sum up, he is comfortable with HTML, CSS, JavaScript ( ES6+ ), React, PHP, Laravel, NodeJs, ExpressJs, MySQL, MongoDB, Python3, Nim, Go, Linux, Windows, macOS, GitHub, Server Administration, Docker, and more.

Thanks for visiting. For contact: use Social Networks or email me@heinthanth.com.

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